Online Inquiry 1-303-522-8502
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Targeted genome editing events fall into two general classes: knock-in and knock-out. CRISPR gene knock in cell line services are mainly divided into point mutation introduction service and tag knock in to the target gene. Point mutation cell line can be used to study the function of point mutation in situ in cells. Tag knock in cell line can locate and quantify the target protein.
Knock-in mutations typically require an exact DNA sequence to be incorporated at a precise genomic location, with little to no room for error. Our expert team utilizes a robust, automated CRISPR platform for knock-in cell lines that achieve high editing efficiencies while maintaining quality to ensure pluripotency. To enable your discoveries, Runtogen offers high quality knock-ins that generate single nucleotide variants (SNVs), tags, and <100 bp insertions, in homozygous or heterozygous states and clone or pool formats.
KI Cell Line Service Capabilities:
Type of Gene Editing
Types of Cells
Available Edits
Ø Point mutation (SNP) knock-in
Ø Tag / Reporter knock-in:
Ø Large knock-in
Working Flowchart:
Ø Technical Support from Start to Finish
Ø 100+Successful Gene-editing Cell Line Types
Ø Fast Turnaround: 8 Weeks~
Ø Higher cutting and homologous recombination efficiency
Ø Cell pool/Single-cell clone for your choice
Ø Weekly project update
Ø Comprehensive QC: Mycoplasma test, qPCR
Ø Add-On Service: RNA-Seq, Off-target analysis
What You Will Receive?
² Biweekly project updates
² Highly characterized/validated CRISPR-edited KI cell lines (clonal or pool).
² Isogenic (parental) controls to determine any phenotypic effects driven by factors intrinsic to the gene knock-in.
² Final report containing details of the sgRNA design and the results of all QC and validation assays
Case Study: Point Mutation: LIN28B(c.679T>G,p.S227A) (389421) in A549
PCR Identification for positive clones
Sanger Sequencing Result