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Global Distributors

In addition to providing direct sales and support throughout North America, we have established partnerships with a wide network of global distributors. Choose your country below to find the relevant contact information.If you do not find your country on the list, please contact us: [email protected].




Country Company Legal Name Phone number Email Address
Belgium Gentaur BV +32 16 58 90 45 [email protected] Voortstraat 49, 1910 Kampenhout, Belgium
Netherlands Gentaur BV +31 20 808 0893 [email protected] Kuiper 1, 5521 DG Eersel The Netherlands
Germany Gentaur GmbH +49 0241 93688188 [email protected] Marienbongard 2052062 Aachen, Germany
Spain Gentaur España + 34 0911 87 65 58 [email protected] Avenida de Andalucía, 27, 29006 Málaga
France Gentaur France SARL +33 188 380 737 [email protected] SARL9, rue Lagrange, 75005 Paris, France
Italy GENTAUR SRL +39 2 36 00 65 93 [email protected] Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 6, 24122 Bergamo, Italy
Poland GENTAUR POLAND +48 058 710 33 44 [email protected] Sp. z o.o. ul. Grunwaldzka 88/A m.2 81-771 Sopot, Poland
UK GENTAUR LTD +44 20 33 93 85 31 [email protected] Unicorn House, 2nd floor,Station Close,Potters BarHertfordshire EN6 1TL,United Kingdom
UK Bioquote Limited.  +44 1904431402 [email protected] The Raylor Centre,James Street,York YO10 3DW, United Kingdom
Ireland Bioquote Limited.  +44 1904431402 [email protected] The Raylor Centre,James Street,York YO10 3DW, United Kingdom
Japan FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation +81-303270-8547 [email protected] 4-1 Nihonbashi Honcho 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
India Shiven Biotech 91 22 4011 1610 [email protected] A808/809, Jaswanti Allied Business Centre, Ramchandran Lane, Kanchpada, Malad West, Mumbai 400064, Maharashtra, India.